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Traumatic brain injuries linked to increased suicidal thoughts

May 17th, 2013 • brain injury

Traumatic brain injuries can be especially insidious because a victim can, in some instance, outwardly appear to have no injury. However, the victim can suffer from debilitating mood swings, including working through intense symptoms of depression or anxiety.

These life-changing injuries are caused when a victim suffers an external blow to the head. The Department of Defense hallmarks traumatic brain injuries sustained during combat as the signature wound suffered by veterans in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. An estimated 115,000 service members are afflicted accordingly. Many of these victims suffer increased thoughts of suicide.

A frightening new study by the National Center for Veterans Studies recently confirmed a correlation between increased thoughts of suicide and traumatic brain injuries in veterans. The risk increases as the service member suffers more incidents of such trauma, and the suicidal thoughts are reported to linger for the remained of the victim's life.

For civilians living in Newburgh or elsewhere across New York, car accidents are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries. While sustained under differing circumstances, these injuries in civilians can manifest themselves in manners that are just as insidious and damaging as they are to service members.

Since injuries of this nature are not always immediately apparent, it is imperative to seek medical examination after an impact. Other manifestations can impact memory, sleeping patterns, pain, concentration and so much more. If an individual in Newburgh suffers a traumatic brain injury from an accident caused by a negligent individual, there may be financial recourse available to compensate the victim. Speaking to an experienced legal attorney will help a victim understand their options.

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