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Dreyer Law Case Results

Past Successes


Motor Vehicle Accidents

High-Speed Police Pursuit - our office was able to hold the police department responsible for a high-speed pursuit that ended when the pursued vehicle caused a violent accident that caused tragic consequences to our client’s family.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Work Site Accidents

Client was working on a job site as a roofer and fell through the roof injuring his neck, back, and shoulder. The defense argued that our client was at fault for stepping on an unsecured area of the roof. We successfully countered, through the use of experts in workplace safety and OSHA rules, that the owner and general contractor failed to provide the appropriate safety devices which, if available on the job site, would have prevented his injuries. The defense also contested that the claimed injuries were related to the fall. We successfully countered this argument through the use of expert medical reviews and reports. The matter was settled before a mediator who specializes in workplace falls.


Work Site Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

This settlement was attained on the brink of trial after the case was thoroughly prepared. Our client was injured in a violent motor vehicle accident in which a vehicle was forced into our client’s path by another vehicle which was illegally passing. The offending vehicle fled the scene, but was located by an investigator many hours later. Client suffered a neck injury, foot fractures, facial fractures, fractured clavicle, as well as a shoulder injury. We retained 5 expert witnesses, including 4 doctors and a professional medical visualist who developed graphic color slides to show a jury just how our client suffered his injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered neck, back, and shoulder injuries when he T-boned a driver who failed to yield the right of way when entering the intersection.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client injured by drunk driver; under dram shop laws the store that sold the beer to the underage driver was sued; case was won when we tracked down a key witness in the State of Virginia who admitted, under oath, that she accepted very bad fake ID and sold the beer to the underage driver. Until then, for many years the insurance company would pay nothing. After that break in the case, the insurance company paid the maximum amount of their coverage.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered neck, back, and knee injuries as a passenger in a vehicle that was involved in a multi-vehicle accident. The defense disputed the extent of injuries caused by the accident but we prevailed after substantial investigation and litigation including the retention of numerous medical experts to prove that the injuries were related to the accident and not other issues in the client’s life.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Work Site Accidents

Client delivering beverages to supermarket was injured when a gear from the garage door manual opening/closing mechanism fell out and hit him in the head. We conducted substantial investigation including the retention of numerous engineering experts to inspect the scene and the door in order to establish fault as well as economic experts to prove value of economic losses. Case was settled at mediation just before trial.


Work Site Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Settlement offer of $920,000 for neck and back injuries she sustained as a result of an accident that occurred when a bus in which she was a passenger was negligently struck by another motorist.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client suffered neck and back injuries when a bus in which she was a passenger was negligently struck at an intersection by another vehicle. The offending vehicle had modest liability coverage, but Ms. Dreyer fought to access the Supplemental Underinsured Motorist coverage of the bus in which our client was a passenger in order to secure more insurance coverage for our client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client suffered a fractured ankle when he was struck head-on by a vehicle which crossed over into his lane of travel.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle crossed over and hit our client head-on causing a fractured sternum. Client was a corrections officer. We retained a Vocational Rehabilitation Expert to review the case and he gave an opinion that our client would never work again in his chosen field. We then retained an Economist who gave his opinion on the total loss of income to our client given his losses in relation to what he could now earn in a different field with lower compensation.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle lost control in bad weather and slid into the intersection causing accident with our client. Client suffered rib and spleen injuries as well as injuries to his foot.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client driving a box truck on Bruckner Expressway when a vehicle driving unsafely caused a multi-vehicle accident. Client suffered a neck injury as a result of the accident.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Brain & Head Injuries

Our client was shopping for patio furniture when she sat in a chair and fell hitting her head. Her husband, while tending to her injuries, took 3 quick pictures of the underside of the chair with his phone before the manager and other employees arrived. The chair was taken away and never found again. The store manager and other employees contended that the chair was sturdy and properly assembled and was just “misplaced” after the incident. Through the pictures taken by the husband, the testimony of a former employee who was tracked down by our investigator, and an expert witness that we retained, we were able to convince the insurance company for the store that a jury may believe that the chair was not assembled properly before being placed on the floor. Our client suffered a concussion with post-concussive syndrome, also known as a mild traumatic brain injury or TBI. The matter settled at a mediation just before trial.


Brain & Head Injuries


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client struck by an on-duty Deputy Sheriff suffering neck injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client injured when he fell 18 feet from a bucket hoist. Issue was extent of damages. Insurance company offered $240,000 which was rejected. The matter went to a mediator who recommended the $240,000 offer. I left the mediation to prepare for trial. Shortly thereafter, the insurance company offered an amount of money that the client chose to accept.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Our client suffered an ankle fracture when she fell through an exterior wooden staircase in a house she was renting. The landlord disputed that he knew that the staircase may fail. We were able to prove, through extensive investigation, that the landlord knew, or at least should have known, that the staircase was required to repair and was susceptible to failure.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

A car entering the Thruway lost its wheel causing a multiple car accident. Our client, who was driving one of the cars involved in the accident, suffered a hand and wrist fracture which required surgery. Through immediate investigation we located the service station that recently replaced the tie rod on the car which lost its wheel. Through additional investigation, including the retention of an expert engineer, we were able to prove that the service station failed to re-attach the wheel properly even though the service station owner and employees vehemently denied that they failed to attach the wheel properly. Because our client was able to work as a company executive, the defendant’s insurance company also contested the extent of damage to our client’s hand, so we retained a medical expert and a graphic medical visualist to prove the extent of injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Work Site Accidents

Client fell from a ladder at work suffering wrist and hand injuries.


Work Site Accidents


Work Site Accidents

Client fell from a ladder at work suffering wrist and neck injuries.


Work Site Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accident

Recently, a client of Dreyer Law Offices accepted a settlement offer of $425,000.00 for an injury that she sustained to her neck when a bus backed into her parked car in Manhattan. The insurance company contested causal relationship between the accident and the injury because it was a light bump, and the client had prior injuries to the same body part, but after multiple depositions we were ultimately able to convince the insurance company to settle the case. The case was investigated, litigated, and negotiated by Sarah R. Dreyer, Esq. and Darryl J. Dreyer, Esq.


Motor Vehicle Accident


Dog Bites

Child was bitten by her aunt’s dog causing facial injuries with scarring; the settlement was achieved even though the child had a prior history of playing with the dog; we conducted substantial investigation to prove the dog had prior vicious propensities which were known to the owner but not known to the other family members.


Dog Bites


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client had a neck injury when the vehicle in which he was riding as a front-seat passenger was struck by another driver who failed to yield the right of way while exiting a train station parking lot.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Neck and shoulder injuries from a rear end accident.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle rear-ended client causing neck and back injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Truck Accidents

Client driving the 55 mph speed limit on Interstate 84 was rear-ended by a truck which was speeding and not paying attention causing client to leave the highway, ending up in a field. Client suffered neck injuries.


Truck Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending driver was operating a box truck which ran a stop sign causing the accident; client suffered a hip injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a neck injury when she was struck by a motorist who struck our client’s vehicle while he was attempting to exit a traffic circle from the inside lane.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle crossed over into our client’s lane of travel causing a head on collision. Client suffered injuries to his shoulder and neck.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Neck and back injuries caused from rear end accident.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Our client was on an elementary school trip when she was pushed by another student causing a fractured arm. The homeowner’s policy for the offending student’s mother, who was his chaperone on the trip that day, accepted responsibility after the depositions of multiple witnesses proved that it was likely a jury would rule in our favor on that issue and a settlement was reached with the homeowners insurance. The school district never accepted responsibility, claiming the act was sudden and spontaneous and no amount of supervision could have prevented it. After years of appeals, each one won by my office, the issue of the school district’s responsibility for the accident finally went to trial before a jury and we presented many witnesses including an educational expert witness who explained to the jury why the school district was at fault. The school district countered with their own expert educational witness who explained to the jury why he felt the school district was not at fault. The jury found the school district and the offending student’s mother equally at fault. Thereafter, while getting ready for a second trial on damages, the school district made an additional offer to settle which was accepted by the client almost 3 years after the homeowners insurance paid their settlement. To highlight how long this case took, and how hard the school district fought thinking that we would back down, by the time the matter was finally settled the child was getting ready to leave for college.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending driver was operating a box truck which backed into client’s vehicle while turning around in a parking lot causing neck injury and aggravation of pre-existing lower back injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle rear-ended client causing neck and knee injuries


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle backed out of a driveway into the path of our client causing neck and shoulder injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

The client suffered a neck injury when she was struck in the rear while waiting to make a left-hand turn.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Dog Bites

Dog bite - client was visiting the home of a work acquaintance for the first time and was attacked by her dog, suffering bite wounds to both arms. In New York, we must prove that the dog’s owner knew the dog had a propensity to bite, which the owner denied. We broke this case through skilled investigation when we were able to locate a painting contractor who had been previously bitten by the same dog so we were able to prove that the owner knew her dog was vicious. The homeowners insurance thereafter disputed the value of the client’s injuries but the matter settled on the brink of trial once it was thoroughly prepared and the insurance company had no choice but to settle.


Dog Bites


Neck & Back Injuries

Client was rear-ended on a bridge suffering a neck injury. All throughout the litigation the insurance company refused to pay, claiming that the impact was too minor to have caused the claimed injuries. Our client was able to return to work as an electrician after a period of time to heal. We retained a medical expert to defeat the insurance company’s claim that the accident did not cause the injury. The case settled just before trial.


Neck & Back Injuries


Neck & Back Injuries

Client was injured when a suspect police were chasing crashed into him, causing knee and shoulder injuries. Police are immune from suit during a police pursuit unless acting in reckless disregard for the safety of the public. Substantial investigation uncovered facts which created a high likelihood that a jury would side with our client so a settlement was reached at a mediation just prior to trial.


Neck & Back Injuries


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Offending vehicle struck our client while she was crossing the street. Defense contested liability as client was not in a cross walk. Client suffered injuries to her shoulder and neck. Case settled on brink of trial.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident causing shoulder and neck injuries


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident where our client suffered a neck injury; settlement was the full remainder of the combined single limit policy after all deductions for property damage


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Parking lot accident where we were able to prove that offending vehicle was at fault. Client suffered neck injury. Defense argued the neck injury was not related because the impact was not severe and the client waited 2 weeks to see a doctor, but we were able to locate and depose witnesses who attested to client’s complaints long before she sought medical care.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Brain & Head Injuries

Client received maximum insurance coverage available for burns to his legs suffered in a house fire


Brain & Head Injuries


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle rear-ended client in traffic on Interstate 84 causing neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was a passenger in a vehicle which was rear-ended causing neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident where we were able to prove that offending vehicle failed to yield the right of way causing the accident. Client suffered a shoulder injury and aggravation to a pre-existing lower back injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with neck injury


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client was rear-ended on a bridge suffering a neck injury. All throughout the litigation the insurance company refused to pay, claiming that the impact was too minor to have caused the claimed injuries. Our client was able to return to work as an electrician after a period of time to heal. We retained a medical expert to defeat the insurance company’s claim that the accident did not cause the injury. The case settled just before trial.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

The client suffered a lower back injury when a car in which she was a passenger hydroplaned in rainy weather and hit a parked car. The defense disputed the extent of the injury and its causal relation to the accident. We prevailed after substantial litigation, including the retention of medical experts, which proved the extent of the injury and its relation to the accident.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

The client suffered shoulder and knee injuries when he tripped and fell on an uneven sidewalk in the City of Newburgh. The property owner disputed the uneven sidewalk and further disputed that he knew or should have known about the uneven sidewalk. Through extensive investigation, we were able to prove that the defect existed for at least 14 months prior to our client’s fall thus proving that the property owner should have known of the defect.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was a passenger in a car which was just purchased the day prior from a dealer. The driver lost control of the vehicle when a tie rod fell off. Through substantial investigation and the retention of experts we were able to prove that the car dealer sold the car in a defective condition. Therefore, we were able to hold the car dealer responsible. Client suffered shoulder and knee injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Settlement offer of $275,000 for a shoulder and knee injury that he suffered when he tripped and fell on an uneven sidewalk in the City of Newburgh.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Work Site Accidents

Client fell from a ladder at work suffering a shoulder injury


Work Site Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client, an off-duty police officer, was rear-ended on her way home from work. The client suffered a neck injury and ultimately returned to work as a police officer.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered neck injury in an intersection accident where fault was at issue. Substantial investigation, including tracking down key witnesses, helped us prove the fault in this case.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client slipped and fell in the parking lot of convenience store/gas station during a major snow event. Investigation showed that an employee had just shoveled the spot where client fell but did not lay salt. We argued that he created a trap by making the area appear clear when it was actually more slippery than if he had not shoveled. Insurance company would not pay until brink of trial.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was parked on side of the road when a school bus cut the corner short causing the rear tire of the bus to hit the driver’s side rear of plaintiff’s parked car. Client suffered aggravation to pre-existing neck and back injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident - Client suffered elbow injury and aggravation to pre-existing neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered neck injury in an intersection accident where fault was at issue as both parties claimed green light.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle made a left turn in front of our client causing an accident. Our client suffered a neck injury and headaches.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident where offending vehicle entered the intersection against a red arrow causing collision. Client suffered a neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a fractured nose and a shoulder injury as a passenger in a vehicle that was struck by a drunk driver.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a neck injury when her vehicle was struck by a vehicle that was making an illegal left-hand turn out of a parking lot.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client suffered a fractured ankle when she was struck by another car that failed to yield the right of way in an intersection. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle was backing out of a driveway and collided with our client. Client suffered a low back injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle turned in front of client causing accident. Client sustained a neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Truck Accidents

Client stationary at red light when a truck and car collided, one of which then crashed into him causing shoulder and knee injuries.


Truck Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client slipped and fell on ice near the doorway of a business establishment. Through investigation and the retention of expert engineers we were able to prove that a defectively designed roof and gutter system caused the accumulation of ice. Client suffered a low back injury.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle pulled out in front of client causing accident; client suffered an elbow injury as a result of the accident.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle pulled out in front of our client causing an accident which lead to a biceps/shoulder injury and neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Truck Accidents

Client sleeping in his car at a rest area when a truck backed into him causing injuries to his neck.


Truck Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered shoulder and knee injuries when she T-boned a vehicle that cut her off when making a left turn into a parking lot of a deli. The defense disputed fault and also disputed the causal relation of the injuries to the accident. We prevailed after substantial investigation and litigation.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a leg fracture when he was struck by a young motorist who had been accused of driving while high on marijuana.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Offending vehicle hit teenager while he was crossing the street causing a leg injury.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was rear-ended in a construction zone while stopped for traffic by a flag man. Client suffered shoulder, knee, and aggravation of pre-existing low back injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident causing injury to client’s neck.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Department Store Accident - client injured her shoulder when a shelf dislodged and knocked into her.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with injuries to neck and low back.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client stationary at Stop Sign when 2 cars collided and 1 of the cars careened into him causing an aggravation of a pre-existing back injury


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a neck injury when she was struck in the rear in heavy traffic on I-84 in Newburgh. The defense heavily contested the causal relationship of the injury to the accident as the client had been involved in prior accidents in the past.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

This case went to jury verdict. The issue was fault, and the jury found 100% in my client's favor. After that verdict, the insurance company offered an amount of money that the client accepted.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle backing out of driveway struck our client causing an aggravation of a pre-existing neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was rear-ended while stuck in traffic on the Staten Island Expressway. As a result of the accident he suffered an aggravation of a pre-existing neck injury suffered while deployed overseas as a member of the US Army.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Client was standing in the middle of the road at dusk to slow traffic on a busy roadway so someone could pull out of a driveway. He was struck by the driver of a vehicle who did not see him. Client suffered hand and wrist injuries. Major issue was fault as client was standing in the middle of the road. Substantial investigation uncovered witnesses to assist in convincing the insurance company fault was shared between our client and the driver of the vehicle in order to achieve a settlement.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering neck and back injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was a passenger in a vehicle which was rear-ended suffering injuries to both knees.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with aggravation of pre-existing neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Oour client suffered a knee injury when she was struck by another vehicle while exiting the highway.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident where we were able to prove that the offending vehicle failed to yield the right of way to our client who suffered shoulder and knee injuries in the accident.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client tripped and fell in a small hole in the parking lot of a supermarket suffering injuries to her arm, wrist, and shoulder. Defense fought liability in this case claiming client was the one at fault in her fall. Immediate investigation, including photographs taken shortly after fall and before repairs were done, helped prove the case.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with shoulder injury and aggravation of pre-existing lower back injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Parking lot Trip and Fall - client suffered a fractured wrist when she tripped and fell in a pothole in a parking lot. The defense contested liability claiming that the pothole was readily visible and that the client should not have been walking in the area in which she fell.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Parking Lot Incident - client suffered a shoulder injury when a motorist backing out of his spot in a supermarket parking lot hit our client’s shopping cart into our client and knocked her down. The defense disputed that this incident caused the injuries that our client claimed.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client suffered a shoulder injury when she slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk in the City of Newburgh.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a knee injury when the vehicle he was operating was struck in the rear while he was slowing for a red light.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Oour client suffered a knee injury when she was struck by another car that failed to yield the right of way in an intersection.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident with shared fault. Client suffered neck and shoulder injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was a dealer at auto auction moving a vehicle when another dealer was “test driving” a vehicle and crashed into him. Client suffered a shoulder injury. Defense contested fault during the entire litigation but settled on brink of trial.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with neck injury.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle pulled out in front of our client who suffered shoulder and neck injuries.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client was on his motorcycle passing a stopped vehicle on the right when he encountered a vehicle pulling out of a parking lot. Client almost avoided the vehicle. The ensuing accident caused pelvic injuries requiring hospitalization. The main issue in this litigation was fault as the client was passing a stopped vehicle on the right.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Client suffered a shoulder injury when the vehicle he was operating was struck in the rear while he was stopped for a red light.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client slipped and fell on accumulating water in interior hallway of apartment complex suffering aggravation of pre-existing neck injury.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client fell in her kitchen after a large well-known company had just installed a new counter top. As the installers were leaving they sprayed down the counter top with a substance that was known to be slippery. The installers were not careful and ended up getting some of the substance on the floor. The client came home shortly after the install, walked in her kitchen, and fell causing a wrist injury. The large store fought the case claiming they were not responsible for the substance on the floor. On the brink of trial they paid the settlement.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Client slipped on ice in parking lot of the apartment complex where she resided suffering a fractured ankle. Defense claimed that it had recently stormed and they had not yet had time to fully clear the parking lot and further that plaintiff knew there was ice in the area from having previously seen it and failed to avoid it. Matter settled on the brink of trial.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Intersection accident where the offending vehicle failed to yield the right of way causing the collision. Our client suffered neck and shoulder injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle crossed into our client’s lane of travel causing accident which led to neck and back injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle waited too long to stop for stop sign on wet roads and slid into intersection causing a collision with our client. Our client suffered a shoulder injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle traveling in same direction as our client swerves into our client’s lane striking him. Our client suffered neck and shoulder injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a shoulder injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle entered intersection without stopping at a stop sign striking our client who then struck another car.Our client suffered elbow and knee injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a low back injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Offending vehicle made a left turn in front of our client causing collision. Our client suffered a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Operator of offending vehicle knew his brakes were bad and was driving to the shop to get them fixed. On the way, his brakes completely failed and he struck our client’s vehicle causing our client to suffer a fractured finger and back pain. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was a passenger in a bus traveling with his children when the bus was struck by a vehicle which ran a red light. Witnesses at the scene provided proof that the bus bore no fault at all. Our client suffered a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was a passenger in a bus which was struck by a vehicle which ran a red light. Witnesses at the scene provided proof that the bus bore no fault at all. Our client suffered shoulder and back injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was sitting in his parked car when offending vehicle struck him. Our client suffered lower back injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was in stopped in traffic on Interstate 84 when she was rear-ended suffering a low back injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was turning left into the parking lot of her apartment building when offending vehicle attempted to pass her on the left causing a collision. Our client suffered neck and shoulder injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident causing neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Offending vehicle hit bicyclist causing multiple significant injuries. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with shoulder injury; maximum insurance limits recovered for client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident causing aggravation of pre-existing neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident causing aggravation of pre-existing neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident causing injuries to both knees. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Rear end accident with injuries to neck, back, and both knees. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Offending vehicle hit client while she walking on sidewalk getting ready to cross street. Client suffered a hip injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents

Fall on defective steps. Client suffered a leg injury.


Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Knee injury. This case settled in the middle of the trial. Insurance company refused to pay because the client only spoke Spanish and the insurance company believed an Orange County jury would not compensate her. Jury was very impressed to learn this woman was a first generation immigrant and her son was a United States Marine. Insurance company paid $100,000 after that when our demand before trial was less.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was rear-ended suffering a neck injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client was sideswiped suffering a shoulder injury. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client suffered a knee injury when he was struck by a vehicle that ran a stop sign. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our client suffered a shoulder injury when she was struck by another car that failed to yield the right of way in an intersection. The entirety of the available insurance limits were recovered for the client.


Motor Vehicle Accidents


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents

Our client suffered a shoulder injury when he was struck by a motorist while riding his bicycle. We fought hard against the insurance company claims that our client was at fault for the accident because he was riding against traffic in violation of the vehicle and traffic law. We prevailed in convincing the insurance company that the fault was shared and reached a settlement that the client approved of.


Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents